Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: Black Tor (Avon) 2 Stone Row

Black Tor (Avon) 2 Stone Row

Database entries

OS Map: SX 675 635
OS Source: HER
HER: MDV5752
The Stone Rows of GB: Black Tor Avon Stone Row
PMD: Black Tor Avon Stone Row
Alternate name: Black Tor (Avon)
Short Name: SR:BlackTor2
Butler map: 57.25
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: PDW
Cairn Class: No
Barrow Report: 4
Lidar: SX 675 635
Nearest Bus Stop: South Brent Pool Park (4.5 km) [Route: 38]
Nearby sites: SX 675 635


"A stone row is alleged at this location by Worth (1932-33) but has not been located since, either by Worth, or during field investigation."

"In August 1932 author was present at a field meeting led by R.H. Worth who pointed out a single stone row, more or less east to west with a low barrow at each end, he had discovered near the summit of Black Tor in the Avon Valley.
Worth later contacted Quinnell to say he had been unable to locate it on a second visit. Quinnell also failed to locate it again, despite searching on at least six occasions 'had it not been that I and some 20 persons saw it in 1932 I would doubt its existence'."

Another reported stone row was reported by R.N. Worth in 1882 (see barrow Report 4)

"Worth, R. N., 1882, 4th Report of the Barrow Committee, 157 (Article in Serial). STONE ROW, BLACK TOR.
Nearly a furlong from the Tor in the glen below, on the eastern bank of the stream, are a pair of avenues which are only 40 feet apart and run parallel to each other east and west. They are formed of stones 2.5 feet high and each is terminated at the eastern end by a circle 36 feet in diameter consisting, of 15 stones enclosing a cairn. Between the northern avenue and the stream is a cairn while another, very imperfect, will be observed at end of southern avenue (citing Row's Perambulation, Second Edition, pgs 205-6)."

See also: HER MDV132249, MDV28589


These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.

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Page last updated 18/02/24