Database entries
OS Map: SX 5755 7082
OS Source: HER
HER: MDV4963
Alternate name: Raddick Hill W.1
Short Name: CN:Raddick W1
Butler map: 46.3.1
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: Butler
Cairn Class: Yes
Dimensions (m): 3.0-7.5 x 0.4-1.0
Lidar: SX 5755 7082
Guide Map: 38
Nearest Bus Stop: Princetown Dartmoor Visitor Centre (4.0 km) [Route: 98,171,172]
Nearby sites: SX 5755 7082
Butler Raddick Hill W.1-7 has been split into 7 records.NMR: 8 cairns, see also 440321. See Butler Vol. 3 p56-7 fig 46.3 - group of cairns just north of enclosure C. The author visited this group of cairns on 22/07/19. On that occasion only 6 of these cairns were logged and the co-ordinates did not match up with the HER records. This record records the location of the group cairns and is a place holder for one of the missing cairns - the co-ordinates will be updated to match if and when found.
These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.
- Butler, Jeremy, Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities, vol.3: The South-West, (1994)