Plan by RHW. The Prehistoric Monuments of Scorhill, Buttern Hill, and Shoveldown. T.D.A. Vol.64. 1932
Database entries
PDW coverage: Dartmoor Site: Scorhill Stone Circle
OS Map: SX 65458 87399
OS Source: Google
HER: MDV6122
Megalithic Portal: 540
PMD: Scorhill Stone Circle
Alternate name: Scorhill
Short Name: SC Scorhill
Butler map: 38.8
Turner: G6
DPD page: 146
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: PDW
Cairn Class: No
Dimensions (m): 27.0
Lidar: SX 65458 87399
Nearest Bus Stop (Minor): Wonson Telephone Box (2.9 km) [Route: 670]
Nearest Bus Stop (Major): Chagford The Square (4.6 km) [Route: 173,178,671]
Nearby sites: SX 65458 87399
One of the most impressive stone circles on Dartmoor and one of the few that has not been restored. The circle consists of 23 granite slabs up to 2.5m high with a further 11 recumbent stones. The circle is not the largest in terms of diameter but it is the most striking circle on Dartmoor with some of the largest standing stones. See also,
Legendary Dartmoor: Scorhill Stone Circle and HER
These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.
- A-Z, Dartmoor Sketches, (1870)
- Brailsford, J. W, Bronze Age Stone Monuments of Dartmoor, Antiquity Volume 12, Number 48 pp.444-63 (1938)
- Burnard, Robert, The Disappearing Stone Monuments of Dartmoor, T.D.A. Vol.34 pp.166-167 (1902)
- Burnard, Robert, Dartmoor Pictorial Records, (1986)
- Butler, Jeremy, Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities, vol.2: The North, (1991)
- Chudleigh, J, Devonshire Antiquities, (1893)
- Croker, J. G., A guide to the eastern escarpment of Dartmoor, (1851)
- Fleming, Andrew, Dartmoor Reaves: Investigating Prehistoric Land Divisions (2nd edition), (2008)
- Fox, Aileen, Cairns and stone alignments on Shovel Down, Archaeological Journal Vol 114. pp.155-158 (1957)
- Ormerod, George Wareing, Archaeological memoirs relating to the East of Dartmoor, (1876)
- Rowe, Samuel, A Perambulation of Dartmoor (3rd Edition), (1896)
- Turner, J.R., Ring Cairns, stone circles and related monuments on Dartmoor, D.A.S.P. No.48 pp.27-86 (1990)
- Wilkinson J. Gardner, The Rock-basins of Dartmoor, and some British Remains in England, Journal Brit. Arch. Assoc. xvi. pp.101-132. (1860)
- Wilkinson J. Gardner, British Remains on Dartmoor, Journal Brit. Arch. Assoc. xviii. pp.22-53, 111-133. (1862)
- Worth, R. Hansford, The Prehistoric Monuments of Scorhill, Buttern Hill, and Shuggledown (Shoveldown), T.D.A. Vol.64 pp.280-287 (1932)