Database entries
OS Map: SX 55419 63427
OS Source: Google
HER: MDV49564
Megalithic Portal: 52567
PMD: Shaugh Moor Stone Row
Alternate name: Shaugh Moor stone row
Short Name: CC ShaughMoorS
Butler map: 48.5
Grinsell: SHAUGH PRIOR 41
Turner: G17
DPD page: 55
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: Butler
Cairn Class: Yes
Dimensions (m): 13.0 or 18.0
Lidar: SX 55419 63427
Guide Map: 53
Nearest Bus Stop: Shaugh Prior White Thorn Inn (1.7 km) [Route: 59]
Nearby sites: SX 55419 63427
Cairn circle at the southern end of the Shaugh Moor stone row. "An egg-shaped ring of stone uprights". "Only an arc of four clearly identifiable stones survive in the circle; they are a maximum 0.3m high and suggest an approximate circle diameter of 15.0m. There are a number of buried and semi-buried stones traceable but their relationship to the circle is unclear". Lethbridge p.54-55, diagram p.55
These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.
- Breton, Henry Hugh, The Forest of Dartmoor, (1990)
- Butler, Jeremy, Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities, vol.3: The South-West, (1994)
- Fletcher, M. + Probert, S., Shaugh Moor, Devon: An Archaeological Survey, 3, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Report (1998)
- Grinsell, L.V., Dartmoor Barrows, Devon Archaeological Society Proceedings No.36 (1978)
- Turner, J.R., Ring Cairns, stone circles and related monuments on Dartmoor, D.A.S.P. No.48 pp.27-86 (1990)
- Worth, R. Hansford, The Stone Rows of Dartmoor - Part 10, T.D.A. Vol.50 pp.402-404 (1918)