Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: Piles Brook Head Reported Cairn

Piles Brook Head Reported Cairn

Piles Brook Head Reported Cairn

Photo taken on 13-04-2019

Database entries

PDW coverage: Dartmoor Site: Piles Hill Double Stone Row & Cairns
OS Map: SX 65048 61118
OS Source: Garmin
Alternate name: Piles Brook Head
Short Name: CN-Piles Bro3
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: NMR
Cairn Class: No
Lidar: SX 65048 61118
Nearest Bus Stop: Cornwood Crossways (4.8 km) [Route: 59]
Nearby sites: SX 65048 61118


The NMR record states: "High on the valley side a little to the South of the hallow of Piles Brook Head are the unrecorded relics of a dalmen. Of the two remaining uprights, one leaning, the other fallen, the longer measures 7 feet 6 inches and the smaller 4 feet 4 inches in length. Traces of a barrow are slight. (The caption to plate 153 reads "traces of a long barrow are slight.")".

The stone that was still standing fell in recent years and both have now been restored - see photo. This is clearly not a dolmen or cairn but the spectacular start of what would probably once have been the most impressive double stone rows on the moor.

Google Satellite Map

Page last updated 18/02/24