Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: Black Tor 13 Reported Cairn

Black Tor 13 Reported Cairn

Database entries

OS Map: SX 5696 7130
OS Source: HER
HER: MDV50265
Alternate name: Black Tor 13
Short Name: CN:BlackTor13
Exist: Yes
Record: Duplicate
Record Source: HER
Cairn Class: Yes
Dimensions (m): 4.7 x 0.7
Lidar: SX 5696 7130
Guide Map: 38
Nearest Bus Stop: Princetown Dartmoor Visitor Centre (3.9 km) [Route: 98,171,172]
Nearby sites: SX 5696 7130


Duplicate: The HER description of this cairn is identical to the Black Tor 1 stone row cairn (HER 50268). The location however, is identical to Black Tor 5 (HER 50266) at SX 5696 7130. According to Butler there is a group of 3 cairns at the end of the stone row. Black Tor 1-3. A bit further south-west are some more cairns (4, 5, 6-11). This entry is an amalgam of 1 and 5.

Google Satellite Map

Page last updated 18/02/24