Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: West Vitifer Cist

West Vitifer Cist

West Vitifer Cist

Photo taken on 10-05-2024

West Vitifer Cist

Plan by RHW. Barrow Report 16. TDA Vol.29 1897

Database entries

OS Map: SX 67575 82802
OS Source: Garmin
HER: MDV6615
Megalithic Portal: 34980
PMD: Chagford Common
Alternate name: West Vitifer
Short Name: CT WestVitif 1
Butler map: 25.11
Dixon Cist #: 123
Grinsell: CHAGFORD 4
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: Butler
Cist Class: Yes
Cairn Class: Yes
Barrow Report: 16
Dimensions (m): 5.5 x 0.3 C
Lidar: SX 67575 82802
Guide Map: 21
Nearest Bus Stop: Warren House Inn (2.3 km) [Route: 171]
Nearby sites: SX 67575 82802


"Possible location of a Bronze Age cist, although when subject to field investigation in November 2002 the site was not found" "The cairn was partially excavated in 1897 by the Barrow Committee of the Devonshire Association. This working revealed a ring of slabs surrounding a cist which had not been previously examined. In the cist there was a complete Bronze Age beaker together with charcoal but no trace of a burial." Cairn survives, restored urn thought to be in Plymouth museum. See: Sixteenth Barrow Report 1897. Butler Vol. 2. Map 25.11 ( p.32).

The author visited this site on 10 May 2024. I took photos of a possible candidate but I was unconvinced I had located the site so a wide search was undertaken of the vicinity within approx. 100 m. My initial conclusion is that the site cannot be located. However, as a desktop exercise on 23/05/24 I'm inclined to think I had actually located it. It is the dip behind the stone which appears on the RHS of the photo. This coincides within a very short distance with the location I had previously determined using satellite and also to the location given in the scheduled monument SX 67571 82800.


These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.

Google Satellite Map

Page last updated 18/02/24