Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: Whitchurch Common 4 Cairn

Whitchurch Common 4 Cairn

Database entries

OS Map: SX 5370 7493
OS Source: NMR
HER: MDV63574
Alternate name: Whitchurch Common 4
Short Name: CN:Whitchurch4
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: NMR
Cairn Class: Yes
Dimensions (m): 18
Lidar: SX 5370 7493
Nearest Bus Stop: Merrivale Dartmoor Inn (1.2 km) [Route: 98,171,172]
Nearby sites: SX 5370 7493


Ring cairn c18m diameter surviving as a circular earthwork bank c30cm high on the hillside to the east of the streamwork. Part of the bank has been disturbed by a rectangular hollow which may be the remains of a later building (newman).

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Page last updated 18/02/24