Database entries
PDW coverage: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59202 66945
OS Source: Google
HER: MDV3372
Megalithic Portal: 538
Alternate name: Giant's Basin
Short Name: CN GiantsBasin
Butler map: 49.19.5
Grinsell: SHEEPSTOR 33
DPD page: 40
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: Butler
Cairn Class: Yes
Dimensions (m): 22.0 x 3.5
Lidar: SX 59202 66945
Nearest Bus Stop: Meavy Primary School (4.8 km) [Route: 56]
Nearby sites: SX 59202 66945
The Giant's Basin is an impressive but heavily disturbed cairn lying adjacent to the Drizzlecombe Stone Rows. It measures approximately 22 metres in diameter, a maximum of 3 metres high and is partially turf-covered. An approximately 2.5 metre wide reed-covered slight depression around its circumference suggests a silted ditch. Much of the central part of the cairn has been removed to a depth of 1.65m and most of excavated material in the form of fist-sized stones and small boulders has been deposited around the rim of the mound. Lethbridge pp.38-42, diagram p.38.
These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.
- Butler, Jeremy, Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities, vol.3: The South-West, (1994)
- Grinsell, L.V., Dartmoor Barrows, Devon Archaeological Society Proceedings No.36 (1978)
- Worth, R. Hansford, The Moorland Plym, T.P.I. Vol.10 Part 3 p.294 (1890)
- Worth, R.N., Barrow Report 12, T.D.A. Vol.22 pp.49-52 (1890)