Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: Giant's Basin Cairn

Giant's Basin Cairn

Giant's Basin Cairn

Photo taken on 09-09-2012

Database entries

PDW coverage: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59202 66945
OS Source: Google
HER: MDV3372
Megalithic Portal: 538
Alternate name: Giant's Basin
Short Name: CN GiantsBasin
Butler map: 49.19.5
Grinsell: SHEEPSTOR 33
DPD page: 40
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: Butler
Cairn Class: Yes
Dimensions (m): 22.0 x 3.5
Lidar: SX 59202 66945
Nearest Bus Stop: Meavy Primary School (4.8 km) [Route: 56]
Nearby sites: SX 59202 66945


The Giant's Basin is an impressive but heavily disturbed cairn lying adjacent to the Drizzlecombe Stone Rows. It measures approximately 22 metres in diameter, a maximum of 3 metres high and is partially turf-covered. An approximately 2.5 metre wide reed-covered slight depression around its circumference suggests a silted ditch. Much of the central part of the cairn has been removed to a depth of 1.65m and most of excavated material in the form of fist-sized stones and small boulders has been deposited around the rim of the mound. Lethbridge pp.38-42, diagram p.38.


These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.

Google Satellite Map

Page last updated 18/02/24