This site is featured on the Burrator 1: Down Tor Stone Row and Cairn Circle walk. These photos are of the Down Tor Row and Cairn Circle which actually resides on Hingston Hill near Down Tor (SX58696926 Butler Vol. 3. Map 47: 12). This site is particularly impressive and is thought to look much as it would have done originally. The site, including the large stone near the cairn, was restored in 1894 by Burnard with fallen stones re-erected in their original sockets. Today there are 157 stones in the row although it may have had 174 stones originally. The row starts with larger stones at the cairn end getting smaller as the row descends the hill. The slight curve in the row is an original feature.
These photos were taken on the 9th August 2009.
See also: Guide to Dartmoor Stone Rows
Butler, J. Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities: Vol. 3. - The South-West (Devon Books, 1994)
Page last updated 5/8/11