Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Dartmoor Site: Challacombe Down Standing Stone

Challacombe Down Standing Stone

Challacombe Down Standing Stone

Photo taken on 18-04-2010

Database entries

PDW coverage: Dartmoor Site: Challacombe Down Triple Stone Row
OS Map: SX 69021 80723
OS Source: Garmin
HER: MDV6600
Megalithic Portal: 10092
PMD: Challacombe Stone Row
Alternate name: Challacombe Down
Short Name: SS Challacombe
Butler map: 24.3
DPD page: 126
Exist: Yes
Record: Unique
Record Source: PDW
Cairn Class: No
Dimensions (m): unknown
Lidar: SX 69021 80723
Nearest Bus Stop: Warren House Inn (1.6 km) [Route: 171]
Nearby sites: SX 69021 80723


The largest and most prominent blocking stone of the Dartmoor rows is to be found at the Challacombe triple row. Worth states that it is over 5 feet in width at the base and over 6 feet in height. Butler (Vol. 2) states that the terminal pillar is today 0.5m shorter than when it was measured in 1893.


These are selected references with an emphasis on out of copyright sources linked as PDFs. For more detailed references try any linked HER or PMD record above.

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Page last updated 18/02/24