The following table lists the records currently in this Guide Map. For an explantion of the Guide Maps and a table of all 62 Guide Maps, follow this link: Guide List Table. Introductory text will be added to each guide list in 2025. Notes on duplication and omissions will appear below the table once checks have been finalised.
PS. These notes are to assist untangling complicated records and are neither permanent nor a criticism of the HER who do a fantastic job! The author finds it easier to systematically work through these records (2000+ of them) and add these notes, which are then to be communicated with the HER, if appropriate, it is a pragmatic way of dealing with lots of data without continually stopping and starting.
Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!
OS Map: SX 56467 65495
NMR record: SX 56 NE 64
HER record: MDV3983
Megalithic Portal: 542
PMD: Brisworthy Stone Circle
ShortName: SC Brisworthy
Butler map: 49.8
DPD page: 35
Turner: G8
Barrow Report: 29 35
Notes: The Brisworthy circle underwent major reconstruction carried out by Breton and the Barrow Committee in 1909. At the time only 4 stones remained standing whilst another 21 were lying roughly in place. Some 15 stones out of 40 are missing, no doubt robbed for nearby enclosures and walls. A low rubble bank surrounds the circle which can be seen on LIDAR data. This is discussed in detail in the article 'Dartmoor Site: Brisworthy Stone Circle' linked above in this listing.
See also: Legendary Dartmoor: Dartmoor's Brisworthy Circle. Lethbridge p.34-35. Diagram p.34 site 1.
Nearby sites: SX56476550
OS Map: SX 56330 65808
NMR record: SX 56 NE 60
HER record: MDV3986
Megalithic Portal: 2102
The Stone Rows of GB: Ringmoor Down
PMD: Ringmoor Down Stone Row
ShortName: SR Ringmoor
Butler map: 49.20
DPD page: 34
Notes: "A stone row, 1740 feet long, mainly single but double in parts. At its southern end is a cairn circle with a diameter of 40ft. 6ins. In 1909 the circle was restored and five of the present stones were introduced from elsewhere. Prior to restoration one stone was standing, four had fallen and the presumed sites of six other stones were represented by pits. A 4ft long fallen stone terminated the stone row at its northern end". Lethbridge p.34-36, diagram p.34 site 3. See also: Sea Views at Ringmoor Down`
Nearby sites: SX56336581
OS Map: SX 56334 65807
NMR record: SX 56 NE 60
HER record: MDV3987
Megalithic Portal: 1233
PMD: Ringmoor Down Stone Row
Alternate name: Ringmoor Down stone row Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Ringmoor S
Butler map: 49.20
DPD page: 35
Grinsell: SHE 19
Turner: F5
Notes: "The cairn circle measures approximately 12.6m. in diameter and has eleven stones averaging 0.7m. high. The disturbed central cairn is 9.5m. in diameter and 0.4m. in height." "1909 the circle was restored and five of the present stones were introduced from elsewhere. Prior to restoration one stone was standing, four had fallen and the presumed sites of six other stones were represented by pits." Lethbridge Brisworthy cairn circle p.34-35. Diagram p. 34 site 2.
Nearby sites: SX56336581
OS Map: SX 55980 65160
NMR record: SX 56 NE 203
HER record: MDV18859
Megalithic Portal: 45854
ShortName: CS:Brisworthy
DPD page: 34
Notes: Described by Worth as a mortar stone. "A large undressed block of granite built into a hedge has been identified as a cup-marked rock. There are 15 discrete cup-marks ranging from 80mm to 40mm in diameter and 25-5mm deep. These other shallow depressions may also be cup-marks". "Down a muddy lane at Brisworthy Hamlets". Lethbridge photo and diagram p.34.
Nearby sites: SX55986516
OS Map: SX 56563 65513
NMR record: SX 56 NE 63
HER record: MDV3360
Megalithic Portal: 34135
Alternate name: Ringmoor Down 1 Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Ringmoor 1
Butler map: 49.21.1
Grinsell: SHE 21
Turner: F15
Barrow Report: 29 35
Notes: "cairn with retaining circle of which 5 stones protrude and there are indications of others. Diameter 8.2m, height 0.2m. Excavated by r. H. Worth: just n of centre, a pit containing charcoal mixed with earth."
Nearby sites: SX56566551
OS Map: SX 56595 65762
NMR record: SX 56 NE 62
HER record: MDV4030
Megalithic Portal: 34131
PMD: Legis Lake
Alternate name: Ringmoor Down 2 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Ringmoor 2
Butler map: 49.21.2
DPD page: 36
Grinsell: SHE 20
Turner: E32
Barrow Report: 29
Notes: Lethbridge Brisworthy Cist p.34-36. Diagram p.34 site 5. Butler Ringmoor Down 2 - Vol. 3. Map 49.21 (diagram p.145).
Nearby sites: SX56606576
OS Map: SX 56157 65947
NMR record: SX 56 NE 61
HER record: MDV4029
Megalithic Portal: 22947
Alternate name: Ringmoor Down 3 Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC Ringmoor 3
Butler map: 49.21.3
DPD page: 36
Grinsell: SHE 18
Turner: G29
Barrow Report: 63
Notes: Located about 230m NW of the cairn circle that terminates the Ringmoor Down stone row. "An 11ft 2ins diameter cairn circle composed of fourteen stones of which four have fallen over. Stones of quartz-schorl, not granite." "This feature has the semblance of having been recently created. The stones are mostly loose and irregularly spaced. As a monument type it appears to be unique on Dartmoor. It should not be considered of great antiquity." For a photo, see: Ringmoor Cairn. Lethbridge kerb circle p.34-36. Diagram 34 site 4.
Nearby sites: SX56166595
OS Map: SX 56113 65922
NMR record: SX 56 NE 161
HER record: MDV19760
Megalithic Portal: 34142
Alternate name: Ringmoor Down 4 Stone Ring Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC Ringmoor 4
Butler map: 49.21.4
Turner: A2
Notes: Feature described as "Low embanked circle with no ditch, 36.0 metres diameter overall. A few upright stones still remain in the bank".
Butler, 1994: "barely visible circular enclosure .. its position on the ridge suggesting a large ring cairn rather than a domestic enclosure. The flat interior 35 m across, disturbed by a line of tinners' pits, is surrounded by a low bank no more than 0.1 m high supporting a few earthfast slabs"
Turner, 1990: "Stone ring 31.5 metres in diameter internally, with bank 0.7 metres wide and 0.15 metres high. A few upright stones still remain in the bank".
Newman, P. + Probert, S., 2005: This feature is now largely obscured by dense Molinia. Only a 35m section of slightly curving bank is visible between SX 5612 6591 and SX 5613 6588. None of the stones noted by the Ordnance Survey (1979) are in situ, there being just two clusters of three stones each. It seems unlikely that this could represent an embanked stone circle it seems more likely to be an ephemeral part of the surrounding medieval field system.
The current author has failed to find this feature on multiple occasions. Most recently on 9th April 2023. A follow up visit on 15th April 2023 has led to the conclusion that this site is perhaps better considered to be an enclosure or part of the surrounding medieval field system as suggested by Newman + Probert.
In the photo it is very difficult to make out the stones due to the long Molinia grass so I have ringed them in red. There are in fact two groups of three stones but I have ringed what I can see in the photo. The one furthest to the right is actually my rucksack sat on top of one stone that would not be visible otherwise. The stones circled in blue a little way in the distance are from the nearby Ringmoor Down Cairn Circle (also dubious as most stones not earthfast).
Butler himself debates whether the low bank represents an enclosure or a ring cairn. Lidar data available to a more modern perspective suggests not a circular feature but a rectangular enclosure. The following extract from Lidar shows that along with 3 of the tinners pits below.
To conclude in our view this is not a ring cairn. This record is being retained as this is a reported ring cairn that is part of both the Butler and Turner listings. However, the CairnClass classification has been changed from yes to No.
The photo below taken on 15-04-2023 shows one of the tinners pits at SX 56118 65903.
Nearby sites: SX56116592
OS Map: SX 56032 66052
NMR record: SX 56 NE 164
HER record: MDV20142
ShortName: CN Ringmoor 5
Butler map: 49.21.5
Grinsell: SHE 10
Notes: "The robbed remains of a cairn lie on the crest of Ringmoor Down 20m south-east of the course of the Eylesbarrow Reave. the remains consist of a flat-topped mound 13m in diameter and a maximum of 0.4m high on the north-west side. It appears to have been heavily robbed - probably during the reconstruction of the reave in the medieval period. A slight rim, 0.15m high, runs around the crest of this feature. There is no suggestion of a cist or kerb associated with this cairn. An old slit trench lies in the western quadrant and this feature is now covered in dense molinea grass." Visited by author 19/02/2023.
Nearby sites: SX56036605
OS Map: SX 56030 66266
NMR record: SX 56 NE 59
HER record: MDV3992
ShortName: CN Ringmoor 6
Butler map: 49.21.6
Grinsell: SHE 12
Notes: "Northern of two turf covered cairns of 19.5 metres diameter by 1.2 metres high. Slightly mutilated on its western side by military operations, otherwise in good condition". Visited by author 19/02/2023. Quite a substantial cairn. Shows the same L-shaped trenching on the western side as found on the 3 (North of Row) reported cairns 4121-4123. HER suggests the trenching is from military activities.
Nearby sites: SX56036627
OS Map: SX 56025 66191
NMR record: SX 56 NE 59
HER record: MDV3993
ShortName: CN Ringmoor 7
Butler map: 49.21.7
Grinsell: SHE 11
Notes: "Southern of two cairns south-east of Ringmoor Cottage of 21.5 metres diameter by 1.0 metres high". Visited by author 19/02/2023.
Nearby sites: SX56036619
OS Map: SX 56590 66692
NMR record: SX 56 NE 58
HER record: MDV3994
PMD: Ringmoor Down
ShortName: CN:Ringmoor 8
Butler map: 49.21.8
Grinsell: SHE 13
Notes: Radcliffe notes: There are remains of a retaining circle consisting of five stones, all standing, visible in SW quadrant. Dia 13m, ht 0.5m. Secondary cist and retaining kerb exposed.
HER quoting Newman: A turf-covered round cairn on the summit ridge of Ringmoor Down. SX 56589 66683. A round cairn on the summit ridge of Ringmoor Down. This stony cairn which is now turf covered has been much disturbed and has become very spread as a result. The original diameter of 7m is defined by vestiges of a stone kerb on the SW and northern arcs but the overall spread of the cairn is now up to 12.6m. by 0.72m high. The mound has been dug into in its centre creating a hollow with a rim surrounding it and a smaller rectangular hollow of 0.78m by 0.49m is visible but no evidence of a cist.
Nearby sites: SX56596669
OS Map: SX 56589 66733
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV20143
ShortName: CN?Ringmoor 9
Butler map: 49.21.9
Grinsell: SHE 13a-c
Notes: Could these be Ringmoor Down (N. of row) 1-3 (HER 22767). Butler clearly has these near Ringmoor cairn 8 - which suggests it is a different group of 3 cairns of similiar size.
The author looked for these 3 cairns on 27/05/2023 but could only find one of them at SX 56589 66733. That grid reference is now used for this record.
Nearby sites: SX56596673
OS Map: SX 56720 66670
NMR record: SX 56 NE 191
HER record: MDV56210
ShortName: CN:Ringmoor10
Butler map: 49.21.10
Grinsell: SHE 13d
Notes: HER referring to Butler: Cairn '10' on the south side of the reave on Ringmoor Down of 5.0 metres diameter by 0.3 metres high has been dug into from the side. It interupts the line of the reave 150 metres to the east and is probably composed of material taken from it. Butler links his record to Grinsell's SHEEPSTOR 13d.
See also HER entry MDV12716 Ringmoor Down 13. Two cairns can be seen on Google satellite. The HER record is supposed to link to the Grinsell record but the Butler record looks more likely although it is probable there are features in both locations. The Butler record is 180m away to the south of the other HER record lcoation.
Grinsell: following Breton: cairn, incorporated in long reave. Breton 1914. 56. Approx SX 5675 6658
This record will retain Butler's original grid reference until fieldwork clarifies the details.
Nearby sites: SX56726667
OS Map: SX 57024 66826
NMR record: SX 56 NE 163
HER record: MDV29077
ShortName: CN:Ringmoor11
Butler map: 49.21.11
Notes: HER: A cairn adjacent to the south side of the Eylesbarrow Reave on the ridge of Ringmoor Down. Originally of about 10m diameter, it has been comprehensively robbed and survives only as a low, turf covered rim and surface undulations.
Nearby sites: SX57026683
OS Map: SX 57141 66638
NMR record: SX 56 NE 192
HER record: MDV12717
ShortName: CN:Ringmoor12
Butler map: 49.21.12
Grinsell: SHE 14
Nearby sites: SX57146664
OS Map: SX 56902 66751
NMR record: SX 56 NE 162
HER record: MDV12716
ShortName: CN Ringmoor13
Notes: Southern of a pair. There are a pair of cairns near the reave that are clearly visible on Google satellite separated by about 17m. The southern one was photographed on 27/05/2023 and is located at SX 56902 66751. The northern one is closer to the reave and is located at SX 56905 66768.
This record could be Grinsell's SHEEPSTOR 13d and/or Butler's 49.21.10, see: Ringmoor Down 10
Nearby sites: SX56906675
OS Map: SX 56905 66768
NMR record: SX 56 NE 162
HER record: MDV12716
ShortName: CN:Ringmoor14
Notes: Northern of a pair. There are a pair of cairns near the reave that are clearly visible on Google satellite separated by about 17m. The southern one was photographed on 27/05/2023 and is located at SX 56902 66751. The northern one is closer to the reave and is located at SX 56905 66768.
This record could be Grinsell's SHEEPSTOR 13d and/or Butler's 49.21.10, see: Ringmoor Down 10
Nearby sites: SX56916677
OS Map: SX 56400 66500
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV22767
ShortName: CN:RingmoorN M
Notes: Record separated out into component cairns with more accurate grid references.
Nearby sites: SX56406650
OS Map: SX 56269 66263
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV42768
ShortName: CN RingmoorN 1
Notes: "Formerly identified and scheduled in the 1990s as a cairn (one of a group of three), this was re-assessed during 2005 survey work. Identified as former tin pits that have been reoccupied by the military in the more recent past."
Author visited 19/02/2023. I'm inclined to agree with the HER assessment. Now listed as a "reported cairn".
Nearby sites: SX56276626
OS Map: SX 56291 66280
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV42769
ShortName: CN RingmoorN 2
Notes: "A low flat-topped mound measuring 7.3m north-south by 7.0m and standing a maximum of 0.4m high. An amorphous hollow lies slightly west of centre. While this feature appears in form to be a prehistoric cairn it overlies ridge and furrow and is associated with a number of tin pits that have been adapted for military training. At the earliest it is probably a post medieval stone clearance heap". Author visited site 19/02/23. A very disturbed feature consistent with the description on the HER quoted above. SX 56293 66282 on my garmin.
Nearby sites: SX56296628
OS Map: SX 56303 66265
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV42770
ShortName: CN RingmoorN 3
Notes: "Formerly identified and scheduled in the 1990s as a cairn (one of a group of three), this was re-assessed during 2005 survey work. Identified as former tin pits that have been reoccupied by the military in the more recent past."
Visited by the author 19/02/23. L-shaped trench in the feature at SX 56307 66267. There is another L-shaped trench about 9 metres to the west at SX 56298 66263. The trenching could be activities by the military as described by Newman, P. + Probert, S in the HER entry. This does look a dubious cairn and the suggestion of tinners pit later re-used by the military seems plausible. This feature is now listed here as a "reported cairn" as not thought to be prehistoric.
Nearby sites: SX56306627
OS Map: SX 56930 65270
NMR record: SX 56 NE 69
HER record: MDV3979
Megalithic Portal: 34065
ShortName: PD Legis Pound
DPD page: 37
Notes: "A field system containing 13 hut circles occupies an area of 6ha on the lower S and SW flanks of Legis Tor. The field system is best preserved on the S where five irregular, adjoining enclosures contain all but one of the huts. These enclosures vary between 0.1ha and 0.6ha and lie in an area of often dense clitter. Several of the enclosures are further sub-divided."
Nearby sites: SX56936527
OS Map: SX 57474 65542
NMR record: SX 56 NE 66
HER record: MDV3424
Megalithic Portal: 45857
PMD: Legis Tor E.
Alternate name: Legis Tor E.1 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT LegisTor E1
Butler map: 49.2.1
DPD page: 38
Grinsell: SHE 23
Turner: E42
Barrow Report: 51
Notes: Butler Legis Tor E - Vol. 3. Map 49.2.1 (diagram p.113). Lethbridge p.37-38 Diagram p.37 Cist B.
Nearby sites: SX57476554
OS Map: SX 57394 65481
NMR record: SX 56 NE 67
HER record: MDV3365
Megalithic Portal: 34130
PMD: Legis Tor W.
Alternate name: Legis Tor E.2 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT LegisTor E2
Butler map: 49.2.2
DPD page: 37
Grinsell: SHE 22
Turner: E43
Barrow Report: 12 20 51
Notes: Lethbridge p.37 Cist A. The photo is thought to be the capstone of this cist. Butler Legis Tor E. 2 - Vol. 3. Map 49.2 (diagram p.114).
Nearby sites: SX57396548
OS Map: SX 57338 65401
NMR: No record found
HER record: MDV50632
ShortName: CN:LegisTor E3
Notes: HER: A disturbed cairn on the slopes south of Legis Tor. SX 57338 65401. A disturbed, turf-covered, stony round cairn on the south slope of Legis Tor, possibly associated and contemporary with two similar examples further to the NE. The cairn is somewhat spread and misshapen and has evidence of having been dug into on the NE side, although no cist has been exposed. The maximum spread is 4.8m and the remains stand to 0.4m high.
Nearby sites: SX57346540
OS Map: SX 57573 65470
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
Megalithic Portal: 45857
ShortName: OS Legis Tor
DPD page: 37
Notes: An intriguing structure consisting of two very large parallel slabs on Legis Tor. Site discovered by Lethbridge who suggests it might be an ossuary. This is quite clearly a man made structure. The two very large parallel slabs look very much like they are an artificial construction rather than natural. One end has a clearly built up wall to form a structure. There is one larger end slab, very small in comparison to the side slabs - but it rests on a bunch of other slabs that look very much like they have been artificially placed. This is undoubtedly a prehistoric construction - a large cist or "ossuary" (receptacle for burials or cremations - a sort of tomb). No entries in HER or NMR. see Lethbridge p.37 diagram and photo.
Nearby sites: SX57576547
OS Map: SX 57526 66748
NMR: No record found
HER: No record found
ShortName: CN-GutterTor 1
Butler map: 49.5.1
Notes: Butler: ... one which probably occupied the hilltop is now reduced to an arc of stones around the triangulation pillar and small stones strewn over the summit. There is no HER entry for this record which is reasonable given how speculative the nature of this Butler record.
Nearby sites: SX57536675
OS Map: SX 57603 66818
NMR record: SX 56 NE 56
HER record: MDV3991
Megalithic Portal: 45650
PMD: Gutter Tor summit
Alternate name: Gutter Tor 2 Cist
ShortName: CT GutterTor 2
Butler map: 49.5.2
DPD page: 32
Grinsell: SHE 15
Barrow Report: 19
Notes: "situated on the flat top of Gutter Tor at about 345m OD just on the north side of the crest of the hill. Two end stones and a side stone remain upright". Lethbridge p.32 Cist A. (Previously listed as Gutter Tor No. 1) Butler Gutter Tor 2 - Vol. 3. Map 49.5 (diagram p.118 "Summit cist").Excavated by Worth in 1900.
Nearby sites: SX57606682
OS Map: SX 57600 66500
NMR record: SX 56 NE 57
HER record: MDV5650
ShortName: CN?GutterTor 6
Grinsell: SHE 16a-i
Notes: Cairns or hut circles? Group of nine or more roughly circular flat areas on sw slope of hill, on os "sites of tumuli" resemble hut sites; but Breton stated that they "were originally large cairns".
Nearby sites: SX57606650
OS Map: SX 56600 65000
NMR record: SX 56 SE 22
HER record: MDV56780
Megalithic Portal: 34063
ShortName: ST:Shadyback
Nearby sites: SX56606500
Page last updated 10/12/24