Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Prehistoric sites within 2km of SX 58090 71310

Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!

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About the database listings: In all listings clicking on the photo or the site name will open a page for the site with a larger photo and further details from the database. The database now has over 6680 records covering nearly all publicly listed sites on Dartmoor including around 4800 round houses. This level of detail is of interest to archaeologists but tends to swamp listings of sites more likely to be of interest for walkers. For this reason, the listings default to around 550 core sites only. These are the stone circles, stone rows and the ring cairns listed by Turner. The default search radius is 2 km. The controls below the map can be used to start a new search by entering a 6- or 8-digit reference (without the prefix "SX"). The search radius can be specified and you can add incremental Display layers of detail on top of the core sites. If using a more detailed layer you will need to decrease the search radius to avoid getting hundreds of search results.

These listings have incorporated, matched up and merged all of the records from all of the major archaeological listings including: Worth, Grinsell, Turner, Butler, Bill Radcliffe, Sandy Gerrard, Megalithic Portal, the National Monument Records and the Historic Environment Records. The author would like to thank Bill, Sandy, the lovely people both at Megalithic Portal (especially Anne Tate who did an amazing job to link listings) and at ACE Archaeology for collaborative work over the years to synchronise and correct listings across the various websites which now interlink. A culmination of years of work the final merger of cairn records took 3 months of cross referencing in 2017 the result being a snapshot of the records at that time. This data has in turn been refined since by field work and research. The round house data was supplied by Sandy Gerrard. Grid references are in order of accuracy: from Google Earth satellite, if visible and found, from a Garmin GPS reading, if visited by the author and from the literature otherwise. Individual site pages will state the source of the grid reference and provide satellite imagery. If a site listing lacks a photo it has not yet been visited by the author in which case the grid reference is from the literature.

Currently the database only includes sites which can be represented by a grid reference. Reaves are not included as they require GIS shape technology which is beyond the current capability of this system. To see the sources for the records, look at the tables on the resources menu. The database listings can also be viewed on a Google map and downloaded as GPS datasets for Garmin devices.

Corrections, or any feedback or suggestions are very welcome, email:

NOTE: Clicking on the icons for each monument in the map will give the name of the site. You can zoom in and out and drag the map around.

List of sites within 2km of SX 58090 71310

Black Tor (Stanlake) Stone Row

Black Tor (Stanlake) Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 56988 71381
HER: MDV4994
Megalithic Portal: 1771
The Stone Rows of GB: Black Tor Stanlake
PMD: Black Tor Stanlake Stone Row
ShortName: SR Stanlake
Butler map: 45.14
DPD page: 24
Notes: "A Bronze Age Stone Row lies just inside, and is partly buried by, a substantial field boundary. The row extends from SX57217155 to SX57007137, some 294m long and includes at least 57 visible stones. Its north-eastern end is denoted by a substantial blocking stone and its lower south-western end by three funerary cairns. The row can be seen as three distinct parts forming the whole. The northern part includes 39 stones, the central group of 8 stones is separated from the northern row by a 66.2m wide gap whilst the southern group is on a slightly different alignment to the others. The row is unusual in that the blocking stone is at the upper end and a cairn lies at the lower end." Lethbridge diagram and photo p.24.
Nearby sites: SX 56988 71381
Distance: 1.10km

Devil's Elbow Platform Cairn Circle

OS Map: SX 58192 72708
HER: MDV14310
Megalithic Portal: 36761
PMD: Devil's Bridge
Alternate name: Hart Tor N. Platform Cairn Circle
ShortName: PC:DevilsElbow
Butler map: 46.1
Butler Vol 5: p.168 & Fig.107
Grinsell: WAL 10
Turner: E5
Notes: Ring cairn consisting of a circle of close set stones: almost a kerb circle, interior flat and no sign of cist. Diameter 8m, height 0.3m.
Nearby sites: SX 58192 72708
Distance: 1.40km

Down Tor N.E. (Eastern) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Down Tor N.E. (Eastern) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

OS Map: SX 58397 69562
HER: MDV3499
Megalithic Portal: 52347
PMD: Down Tor N 3
Alternate name: Hingston Hill N.3 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT DownTorNE E
Butler map: 47.13.3
DPD page: 27
Grinsell: WAL 29
Turner: E34
Barrow Report: 73
Notes: Butler Hingston Hill N. 3. - Vol. 3. Map 47.13.3 (diagram p.73 OS SX58396955). Grinsell WALKHAMPTON 29 (OS 58276949 approx - same as HER MDV3499). Lethbridge p.27 Cist No.1.

Copyright for photos and plans from Barrow Reports 71-73 belongs to the Dixon estate. Reproduced here with kind permission.
Nearby sites: SX 58397 69562
Distance: 1.77km

Down Tor N.E. (Northern) Cist

Down Tor N.E. (Northern) Cist

OS Map: SX 58388 69568
HER: MDV3498
Megalithic Portal: 52348
PMD: Down Tor N 1
Alternate name: Hingston Hill N.1 Cist
ShortName: CT DownTorNE N
Butler map: 47.13.1
DPD page: 27
Grinsell: WAL 28
Barrow Report: 73
Notes: Butler Hingston Hill N. 1. - Vol. 3. Map 47.13.1 (diagram p.73 OS SX58386956). Grinsell (OS SX58256951 approx same as HER record MDV3498). Lethbridge p.27 Cist No.3.

Copyright for photos and plans from Barrow Reports 71-73 belongs to the Dixon estate. Reproduced here with kind permission.
Nearby sites: SX 58388 69568
Distance: 1.77km

Down Tor N.E. (Western) Cist

Down Tor N.E. (Western) Cist

OS Map: SX 58386 69565
HER: MDV3497
Megalithic Portal: 45766
PMD: Down Tor N 2
Alternate name: Hingston Hill N.2 Cist
ShortName: CT DownTorNE W
Butler map: 47.13.2
DPD page: 27
Grinsell: WAL 27
Barrow Report: 73
Notes: Butler Hingston Hill N.2. - Vol. 3. Map 47.13.2 (diagram p.73, OS SX58376955). Grinsell (OS SX58246950 approx - same as the HER record MDV12715). Lethbridge p.27 Cist No.2.

Copyright for photos and plans from Barrow Reports 71-73 belong to the Dixon estate. Reproduced here with kind permission.
Nearby sites: SX 58386 69565
Distance: 1.77km

Hart Tor N. Settlement

OS Map: SX 5816 7243
HER: MDV3791
Megalithic Portal: 36762
ShortName: ST:HartTorN
Nearby sites: SX 5816 7243
Distance: 1.12km

Hart Tor North Stone Row

Hart Tor North Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Hart Tor Stone Row & Cairn Circle
OS Map: SX 57708 71708
HER: MDV4896
Megalithic Portal: 1973
The Stone Rows of GB: Hart Tor North
PMD: Harter N Stone Row
ShortName: SR Hart Tor N
Butler map: 46.5.1
DPD page: 25
Notes: Butler Row 1. There are two cairns close by on the lower slopes of Hart Tor. One has an associated single stone row and the other has an associated double stone row - they diverge at an angle of 18 degrees. The double row consists of 93 stones and is much longer, around 122m in length [Gerrard], and extends all the way down to the River Meavy in the valley below. This row is fairly well preserved although it is crossed by a tinners ditch about a third of the way down its length and again by a leat a third of the way from the lower end. The structure was planned by Wilkinson in 1859 who states that the row is "terminated by a large monolith, now fallen, measuring about 25 feet long by 2 feet and 3 inches". Sadly this stone has long since disappeared. The row has pairs of stones which are spaced fairly accurately 1.9m apart along the rows, the rows being at a constant 1.7m separation. The cairn circle is 9.3m across and consists of 14 tall slabs some of which have fallen. Detailed survey of site in Hart Tor Stone Rows & Cairns, Meavy Valley Archaeology. Site Report No.9 - Sandy Gerrard (1999). See also: Sea Views at Hart Tor, The Stone Rows and Cairns at Hart Tor Dartmoor Part One and The Stone Rows and Cairns at Hart Tor Dartmoor Part Two
Nearby sites: SX 57708 71708
Distance: 0.55km

Hart Tor North Encircled Cairn

Hart Tor North Encircled Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Hart Tor Stone Row & Cairn Circle
OS Map: SX 57718 71716
HER: MDV49460
Megalithic Portal: 978
PMD: Harter N Stone Row
Alternate name: Hart Tor double stone row Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Hart Tor N
Butler map: 46.5
Butler Vol 5: p.39 & Fig.16
DPD page: 25
Grinsell: WAL 12
Turner: F12
Notes: The cairn circle is 9.3m across and consists of 14 tall slabs some of which have fallen. Wilkinson noticed concentric stone circles - which can't be seen today although there is clearly an inner circular mound. NMR A.
Nearby sites: SX 57718 71716
Distance: 0.55km

Hart Tor South Stone Row

Hart Tor South Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Hart Tor Stone Row & Cairn Circle
OS Map: SX 57720 71698
HER: MDV4895
Megalithic Portal: 1974
The Stone Rows of GB: Hart Tor South
PMD: Harter S Stone Row
ShortName: SR Hart Tor S
Butler map: 46.5.1
DPD page: 25
Notes: Butler Row 2. The single row consists of 16 stones and is 56.4m long, although Gerrard suggests it was probably once much longer. The single row leads to a cairn which does not have a retaining circle. The cairn which has been robbed measures 7.4m in diameter and up to 0.75m high. For early description of both rows and the now missing menhir, see: Wilkinson J. Gardner, British Remains on Dartmoor, Journal Brit. Arch. Assoc. xviii. pp.22-53 (1862). Detailed survey of site in Hart Tor Stone Rows & Cairns, Meavy Valley Archaeology. Site Report No.9 - Sandy Gerrard (1999). See also notes for Hart Tor North Stone Row. Sea Views at Hart Tor, The Stone Rows and Cairns at Hart Tor Dartmoor Part One and The Stone Rows and Cairns at Hart Tor Dartmoor Part Two
Nearby sites: SX 57720 71698
Distance: 0.54km

Leeden Tor Stone Row

Leeden Tor Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 56522 71474
HER: MDV50223
Megalithic Portal: 2020
The Stone Rows of GB: Leeden Tor
PMD: Leeden Tor Stone Row
ShortName: SR Leeden Tor
Butler map: 45.15
DPD page: 23
Notes: "BA cairn and stone row. The scrappy remains of a single stone row now 165m long descend from a badly battered cairn on the south-east slopes of Leeden Tor. The cairn is about 6m across with a large central pit and partial retaining circle. At least 14 stones remain in a line, four only still earthfast and the rest either flat or buried. Stone pits record the loss of some of the stones". Lethbridge p23, diagram p.24. See also: Sea Views at Leeden Tor
Nearby sites: SX 56522 71474
Distance: 1.58km

Raddick Hill Enclosed Settlement

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 57636 71495
HER: MDV3748
Megalithic Portal: 36404
ShortName: ES:RaddickHill
DPD page: 26
Notes: "A Bronze Age enclosed hut circle settlement. The remains lie on a northerly hillslope and now comprise a D-shaped enclosure wall of boulders and stones containing about twelve hut circles. A small D-shaped enclosure is attached to the uphill south-east side. The northern part of the settlement has been effaced by a tinner's cliff, part of the Hart Tor Brook streamworks. This well preserved settlement now lies under low bilberry bushes."
Nearby sites: SX 57636 71495
Distance: 0.49km

Raddick Hill Cist

Raddick Hill Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 57929 71157
HER: MDV4947
Megalithic Portal: 45777
PMD: Raddick Hill N.
Alternate name: Raddick Hill Summit 3 Cist
ShortName: CT RaddickSu3
Butler map: 46.6.3
DPD page: 26
Grinsell: WAL 15
Barrow Report: 18 31
Notes: One of a group of 4 cairns. Excavated by Burnard in 1899 - a small piece of corroded bronze, possibly a knife, was found. This almost perfect cist is now obscured by vegetation. Butler Raddick Hill Summit 3 - Vol. 3. Map 46.6. Grinsell Raddick Hill WALKHAMPTON 15 (listed as 14 but in the listings doubt is expressed between 14 and 15 - 15 matches the NMR account for bronze being found).
Nearby sites: SX 57929 71157
Distance: 0.22km

Sharpitor E. Stone Row

Sharpitor E. Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 56171 70819
HER: MDV4991
Megalithic Portal: 2117
The Stone Rows of GB: Sharpitor North East
PMD: Sharpitor E Stone Row
Alternate name: Sharpitor NE Stone Row
ShortName: SR Sharp NE
Butler map: 45.13
DPD page: 21
Notes: Described by Worth as "Sharpitor, foot of eastern slope". Listed by Butler as Sharpitor N.E. (which can be confused with another alleged row). "A stone row, with a cairn at the west end at SX 56147078, extends almost due west for 26.0m. to SX 56167078. The cairn, mutilated and amorphous, is now approximately 6.7m in diameter and 0.3m. high at its maximum. There are nine stones in the row, including three pairs, with an additional stone which seems to be displaced, all between 0.1m. and 0.3m. high. The east end of the row is terminated by a reave (SX 67 SE 91) which has cut across and evidently destroyed any westward extension." Lethbridge pp.20-22.
Nearby sites: SX 56171 70819
Distance: 1.98km

Stan Lake Platform Cairn Circle

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 56896 70285
HER: MDV4996
Megalithic Portal: 45649
ShortName: PC:Stan Lake
Turner: E29
Notes: "much disturbed". Alleged cairn circle. NMR record states "At SX 56897029, a felled conifer currently obscures much of what appears to be a hut circle rather than a cairn, situated on a south-east slope near a valley bottom. (Identification as a cairn may have originated with H. Breton)." Idenitified as a round house in the HER. This record is marked as a duplicate as it replicates PWD record SiteID=8769.
Nearby sites: SX 56896 70285
Distance: 1.57km

Stanlake Cist

Stanlake Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Walk: Sharpitor area Stone Rows and Cists
OS Map: SX 56430 70859
HER: MDV3746
Megalithic Portal: 45755
PMD: Stanlake W.
Alternate name: Leeden Tor S.2 Cist
ShortName: CT LeedenTor 2
Butler map: 45.13.2
Grinsell: WAL 23
Barrow Report: 56 66
Notes: Butler Leeden Tor S. 2 - Vol. 3. Map 45.13 (diagram p.47).
Nearby sites: SX 56430 70859
Distance: 1.72km

Page last updated 18/02/24