Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, walking the Stone Rows and Stone Circles of Dartmoor
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Prehistoric sites within 2km of SX 60870 66160

Guidance for walkers: The monuments featured in this database are archaeological treasures and need to be protected and preserved - please do not disturb any sites. Please check access and firing times before visiting sites, not all sites listed are on open access land. Firing ranges and boundaries of open access areas are marked on the OL28 OS Dartmoor Explorer map. Please stick to the country code and consider giving support to the numerous agencies that help to keep Dartmoor a fabulous natural and historic environment!

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About the database listings: In all listings clicking on the photo or the site name will open a page for the site with a larger photo and further details from the database. The database now has over 6680 records covering nearly all publicly listed sites on Dartmoor including around 4800 round houses. This level of detail is of interest to archaeologists but tends to swamp listings of sites more likely to be of interest for walkers. For this reason, the listings default to around 550 core sites only. These are the stone circles, stone rows and the ring cairns listed by Turner. The default search radius is 2 km. The controls below the map can be used to start a new search by entering a 6- or 8-digit reference (without the prefix "SX"). The search radius can be specified and you can add incremental Display layers of detail on top of the core sites. If using a more detailed layer you will need to decrease the search radius to avoid getting hundreds of search results.

These listings have incorporated, matched up and merged all of the records from all of the major archaeological listings including: Worth, Grinsell, Turner, Butler, Bill Radcliffe, Sandy Gerrard, Megalithic Portal, the National Monument Records and the Historic Environment Records. The author would like to thank Bill, Sandy, the lovely people both at Megalithic Portal (especially Anne Tate who did an amazing job to link listings) and at ACE Archaeology for collaborative work over the years to synchronise and correct listings across the various websites which now interlink. A culmination of years of work the final merger of cairn records took 3 months of cross referencing in 2017 the result being a snapshot of the records at that time. This data has in turn been refined since by field work and research. The round house data was supplied by Sandy Gerrard. Grid references are in order of accuracy: from Google Earth satellite, if visible and found, from a Garmin GPS reading, if visited by the author and from the literature otherwise. Individual site pages will state the source of the grid reference and provide satellite imagery. If a site listing lacks a photo it has not yet been visited by the author in which case the grid reference is from the literature.

Currently the database only includes sites which can be represented by a grid reference. Reaves are not included as they require GIS shape technology which is beyond the current capability of this system. To see the sources for the records, look at the tables on the resources menu. The database listings can also be viewed on a Google map and downloaded as GPS datasets for Garmin devices.

Corrections, or any feedback or suggestions are very welcome, email:

NOTE: Clicking on the icons for each monument in the map will give the name of the site. You can zoom in and out and drag the map around.

List of sites within 2km of SX 60870 66160

Deadman's Bottom (E) Cairn

Deadman's Bottom (E) Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60788 66893
HER: MDV5118
ShortName: CN Deadmans E
Butler map: 50.1
Grinsell: SHA 6
Turner: D28
Notes: Worth considered this to be a cairn. It was excavated and it was found to be paved with reddened earth showing great fires had been present. Butler Circle 1. Butler suggests it could just have been a hut circle and the fires the consequence of domestic activity. He points out the presence of a settlement wall. However it is also very close to a pair of cists and could be a cairn. We are listing as a cairn although Butler could of course be right. This "circle" can be clearly seen in the Google satellite images. Previously listed at SX 60798 66895 (Garmin reading?), presumed SX 60788 66893 from Google.
Nearby sites: SX 60788 66893
Distance: 0.74km

Calveslake Cist

Calveslake Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60874 67551
HER: MDV5085
Megalithic Portal: 45660
PMD: Calveslake Tor
Alternate name: Calveslake Tor Cist
ShortName: CT Calveslak
Butler map: 50.4
DPD page: 43
Grinsell: SHA 3
Barrow Report: 12 19
Notes: "A perfect, well constructed cist at Calveslake. Length, 3ft 7inches; width at north end,1ft 7 1/2 inches; at south end, 1ft 9inches, depth to floor, 2ft 7inches. An irregular shaped cover-stone overhangs the eastern end of the cist. The barrow in which the cist stands has a diameter of 18 feet." Lethbridge Calves Lake cist p.42-43, diagram p.42. Butler Calveslake Tor - Vol. 3. Map 50.4 (diagram p.154).
Nearby sites: SX 60874 67551
Distance: 1.39km

Deadman's Bottom Embanked Cairn Circle

Deadman's Bottom Embanked Cairn Circle

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60711 67027
HER: MDV12420
Megalithic Portal: 3194
Alternate name: Deadman's Bottom 1 Embanked Cairn Circle
ShortName: CC Deadmans 1
Turner: B1
Notes: "Turner identifies this site as an embanked stone circle; an annular bank of earth and/or stones with an inner edge of orthostats. Internal diam 16m with bank 0.8m wide and 0.3m high. The bank has been pushed out on the sse side and the stones lean outward (turner)." Turner B1.
Nearby sites: SX 60711 67027
Distance: 0.88km

Deadman's Bottom, North Cist

Deadman's Bottom, North Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60782 66900
HER: MDV5120
Megalithic Portal: 3194
PMD: Deadman's Bottom N 1
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 2 Cist
ShortName: CT Deadmans N
Butler map: 50.3.2
DPD page: 44
Grinsell: SHA 7
Barrow Report: 12 19
Notes: "The remains of a cist lie on the northern slopes of Deadmans Bottom. The feature consists of a stone lined box, c.1m long and c. 0.4m wide, with a coverstone which has now slid to the north. The cist has collapsed in on itself. There is a turf covered stone spread to the south but little real evidence of an associated cairn." Lethbridge p.44 Langcombe Cist C - diagram p.43 Butler Langcombe Brook 2 (Cist 2) - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Deadmans Bottom cists p.149).
Nearby sites: SX 60782 66900
Distance: 0.75km

Deadman's Bottom, South Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Deadman's Bottom, South Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60788 66892
HER: MDV5119
Megalithic Portal: 3194
PMD: Deadman's Bottom N 2
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 1 Ring Setting Cairn and Cist
ShortName: CT Deadmans S
Butler map: 50.3.1
DPD page: 45
Grinsell: SHA 8
Turner: D12
Barrow Report: 12 19
Notes: "Cairn consists of a stony mound, c 6.1m in diameter and c 0.5m high, contained by granite slabs some upright some fallen. The southern quadrant of the cairn has been disturbed. The remains of a very fine cist, box dimensions c. 0.8 x 0.7m internally, survives at its centre." One side slab and the cover-stone of the cist are missing although both could be slabs nearby. The cover-stone may be the large slab which lies to the south. Lethbridge p.45 Langcombe Cist D - diagram p.43 Dixon #7. Bar Rep. 19. Butler Langcombe Brook 1 (Cist 1) Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Deadmans Bottom cists p.149).
Nearby sites: SX 60788 66892
Distance: 0.74km

Deadmans Bottom D Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 6096 6673
HER: MDV5086
Megalithic Portal: 45731
PMD: Deadman's Bottom S 10
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 10 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT:Deadmans D
Butler map: 50.3.10
DPD page: 45
Grinsell: SHA 10
Turner: E44
Barrow Report: 53
Notes: "The cairn is 5m in diameter by 0.3m high with a retaining kerb on its northern side. The cist is 0.8m long b 0.7m wide." "Cist (listed as 'D' by Worth) found at Deadman's Bottom Langcombe, by Mr Button. Internal dimensions, length 3 feet 8 inches, width 2 feet. The stones are barely visible above grass level. The cover stone is missing." Lethbridge p.45 Langcombe Cist E - diagram p.43. Butler Langcombe Brook Cairn 10 - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 6096 6673
Distance: 0.58km

Deadmans Bottom E Cist

Deadmans Bottom E Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60984 66714
HER: MDV5122
Megalithic Portal: 45732
PMD: Deadman's Bottom S 9
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 9 Cist
ShortName: CT Deadmans E
Butler map: 50.3.9
DPD page: 45
Grinsell: SHA 11
Barrow Report: 53
Notes: "Cist (Listed as 'E' by Worth) found at Deadman's Bottom, Langcombe, by Mr. Button. Probable original dimensions, length 2ft 2 ins, width 1ft. 5ins. The stones barely show above the surface and the cover-stone is missing." ... "A well defined cairn 6.0m in diameter and 0.4m high with a cist in the top. This stone-lined cist measures 0.7m by 0.5m internally and 0.3 deep. Two of the side stones have fallen inwards." Lethbridge p.45 Langcombe Cist F - diagram p.43 Butler Langcombe Brook Cairn 9 - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 60984 66714
Distance: 0.57km

Deadmans Bottom F Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Deadmans Bottom F Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 61201 66983
HER: MDV5125
Megalithic Portal: 45733
PMD: Deadman's Bottom E.
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 11 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Deadmans F
Butler map: 50.3.11
DPD page: 43
Grinsell: SHA 12
Barrow Report: 53
Notes: "Cist (Listed as 'F' by Worth) found at Deadman's Bottom, Langcombe, by Mr. Button. The cover-stone is still in position but the cist appears to have been rifled, the end and side-stones having been displaced at the north-east and southwest angles. Original length would appear to have been 2 feet 10 inches, and the width 1 foot 7 inches. The greatest length of the cover-stone is 4ft 9 inches and its greatest width 3 feet 1 1/2 inches." ... "A flat-topped cairn measuring 5.4m in diameter and standing a maximum of 0.4m high. A well-preserved cist 1.3m long, 0.6m wide and 0.15m deep is largely obscured by the coverstone". Lethbridge p.43 Langcombe Cist A (Upper Deadman's Bottom) - diagram p.43. nb. Not listed by Turner - assigned as "Platform Circle" type cairn due to description in NMR. Butler Langcombe Brook Cairn 11 - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 61201 66983
Distance: 0.89km

Drizzlecombe Platform Cairn Circle

Drizzlecombe Platform Cairn Circle

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59135 67134
HER: MDV3374
Megalithic Portal: 16932
PMD: Drizzlecombe N 14
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 14 Platform Cairn Circle
ShortName: PC Drizzle 14
Butler map: 49.19.14
Grinsell: SHE 25a
Turner: E35
Barrow Report: 34 56
Notes: "stone circle" marked on os 6" 1906. This site was almost totally excavated in 1914. Half an 11 foot diameter kerb circle and the slight remains of a cairn were found.3 flint flakes and a "well finished" scraper were found. The 34th Barrow Report includes a photo of the flints and the excavated and exposed kerb.
Nearby sites: SX 59135 67134
Distance: 1.99km

Drizzlecombe Enclosed Settlement

Drizzlecombe Enclosed Settlement

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59341 67152
HER: MDV4046
Megalithic Portal: 10509
ShortName: ES Drizzle
Butler map: 49.19
DPD page: 39
Notes: "The drizzlecombe pound (diam (max 67m, min 64m), thic of wall (max 1.52m, min 1.37m), area 0.3ha) is not circular as there is a considerable length of straight wall on the sw. The wall is much ruined in parts. An inner lining of slabs is still visible on the nw side. Mean elevation of ground is 366m od ground slopes to sw with mean gradient of 1 in 7. A cairn lies a few yards outside the pound wall, two hut circles within the enclosure. The entrance is in the west wall". Lethbridge pp.38-42, diagram p.38.
Nearby sites: SX 59341 67152
Distance: 1.82km

Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex

Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 592 670
HER: MDV3376
Megalithic Portal: 1906
PMD: Drizzlecombe C
ShortName: CX Drizzle
Butler map: 49.19
DPD page: 38
Notes: Lethbridge pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. Ceremonial complex consisting of three stone rows headed by massive standing stones and also associated cairns and cists.
Nearby sites: SX 592 670
Distance: 1.87km

Drizzlecombe (Central) Encircled Cairn

Drizzlecombe (Central) Encircled Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59253 67081
HER: MDV14772
Megalithic Portal: 3206
PMD: Drizzlecombe B
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe stone row 3 Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Drizzle Ce
Butler map: 49.19.3
Grinsell: SHE 29
Turner: F13
Barrow Report: 56
Notes: Central in alignment of 3 cairns. Cairn heads the NW Drizzlecombe row. See diagram in coverage on Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, marked as C3.
Nearby sites: SX 59253 67081
Distance: 1.86km

Drizzlecombe (W) Encircled Cairn

Drizzlecombe (W) Encircled Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59236 67101
HER: MDV3329
Megalithic Portal: 10499
PMD: Drizzlecombe N Row
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 4 Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Drizzle W
Butler map: 49.19.4
Grinsell: SHE 28
Turner: F24
Notes: Western most in alignment of 3 cairns. The other two cairns head Drizzlecombe rows. See diagram in coverage on Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, marked as C4. Turner F24
Nearby sites: SX 59236 67101
Distance: 1.89km

Drizzlecombe E. Encircled Cairn

Drizzlecombe E. Encircled Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59267 67065
HER: MDV4047
Megalithic Portal: 3207
PMD: Drizzlecombe C
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe stone row 2 Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Drizzle E
Butler map: 49.19.2
DPD page: 39
Grinsell: SHE 30
Turner: F7
Notes: Eastern most in alignment of 3 cairns. Cairn heads the NE Drizzlecombe row. See diagram in coverage on Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks, marked as C2. Lethbridge Row B. pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. See also 14780
Nearby sites: SX 59267 67065
Distance: 1.84km

Drizzlecombe N.E. Standing Stone

Drizzlecombe N.E. Standing Stone

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59215 67005
HER: MDV3377
Megalithic Portal: 16928
PMD: Drizzlecombe Standing Stones
ShortName: SS Drizzle NE
Butler map: 49.19
Butler Vol 5: p.230
DPD page: 39
Notes: Largest standing stone on Dartmoor - terminal for Drizzlecombe stone row. It is 4.2m in height with a distinctive bulging profile at the top. Worth suggests it was probably dragged here from Higher Hartor Tor about 1km away. Re-erected in 1893. Lethbridge Row B. pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. Worth's Row 19/Row C. Used to be listed as HER 14781 perhaps now deleted as an HER duplicate record.
Nearby sites: SX 59215 67005
Distance: 1.86km

Drizzlecombe N.E. Stone Row

Drizzlecombe N.E. Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59258 67054
HER: MDV14776
Megalithic Portal: 536
The Stone Rows of GB: Drizzlecombe 2
PMD: Drizzlecombe C Stone Row
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 2 Stone Row
ShortName: SR Drizzle NE
Butler map: 49.19.2
DPD page: 39
Notes: Butler Row 2, NMR Row 2, Worth Row C. Terminated by the tallest standing stone on Dartmoor. It is 4.2m in height with a distinctive bulging profile at the top the broad face is across the row unlike the other two Drizzlecombe rows. Interestingly this stone is photographed in Worth's Dartmoor prior to being re-erected. Worth suggests it was probably dragged here from Higher Hartor Tor about 1km away. This standing stone has 3 smaller cairns in close proximity. This is the shortest of the three rows at 83.2m but has larger slabs set further apart with the largest near the cairn. Lethbridge Row B. pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. See also: Sea Views at Drizzlecombe 2
Nearby sites: SX 59258 67054
Distance: 1.84km

Drizzlecombe N.W. Standing Stone

Drizzlecombe N.W. Standing Stone

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59134 66988
Megalithic Portal: 16929
PMD: Drizzlecombe Standing Stones
ShortName: SS Drizzle NW
Butler map: 49.19
DPD page: 40
Notes: Terminal for Drizzlecombe NW stone row. Re-erected in 1893. Lethbridge Row C. pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. NB. This website had previously matched this site with the HER record 3377. That record now clearly refers to the NE stone - although that may not have previously been the case. There is no HER record for this site now. Worth's Row 18/Row B. Previously listed here with a grid referecne of SX 59200 67020 which is quite a bit out.
Nearby sites: SX 59134 66988
Distance: 1.92km

Drizzlecombe N.W. Stone Row

Drizzlecombe N.W. Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59243 67071
HER: MDV3376
Megalithic Portal: 1904
The Stone Rows of GB: Drizzlecombe 3
PMD: Drizzlecombe B Stone Row
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 3 Stone Row
ShortName: SR Drizzle NW
Butler map: 49.19.3
DPD page: 40
Notes: Butler Row 3, NMR Row 1, Worth Row B. The NW and S terminal stones have their broad face parallel to the row. The NW row is single for half of its 149.5m length uphill then double for 47m before becoming single again for the last 28m to the cairn. This arrangement appears to be the original design. The other two stone rows are single throughout. The S row is exactly the same length as the NW row but with smaller stones. The average interval between the stones is almost identical and the orientation of the row is such that it gently curves southwards downhill bringing the lower part of the row parallel to the S row. This shift of 7 degrees in alignment of the NW row from top to bottom to line up with the S row would suggest it was constructed later to match the S row. The height of the terminating stones for S and NW rows are 3m and 2.3m respectively. Lethbridge Row C. pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. See also: Sea Views at Drizzlecombe 3
Nearby sites: SX 59243 67071
Distance: 1.86km

Drizzlecombe S Row Encircled Cairn

Drizzlecombe S Row Encircled Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59170 66964
HER: MDV14779
Megalithic Portal: 16937
PMD: Drizzlecombe SW Row
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe stone row 1 Encircled Cairn
ShortName: EC Drizzle S
Butler map: 49.19.1
Grinsell: SHE 32
Notes: "Cairn lies at the north-east end of Row A (South Row)of the Drizzlecombe group. Cairn measures 6.7 metres in diameter, up to 0.8 metres high, with central hollow 2.3 metres by 1.5 metres by 0.25 metres deep." "Small number of edge stones around the periphery represent a kerb. Large flat stone, 1.7m by 1m by 0.3m thick, situated immediately s of the mound may be the displaced coverstone from a cist"
Nearby sites: SX 59170 66964
Distance: 1.88km

Drizzlecombe S. Standing Stone

Drizzlecombe S. Standing Stone

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59057 66868
HER: MDV14778
Megalithic Portal: 16927
PMD: Drizzlecombe Standing Stones
ShortName: SS Drizzle S
Butler map: 49.19
DPD page: 40
Notes: Terminal stone of the southern double row at Drizzlecombe. The standing stone at the southwest end measures 1.8 metres by 0.4 metres and is 3.2 metres high. Re-erected in 1893. Lethbridge Row A pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. Worth's Row 17/Row A.
Nearby sites: SX 59057 66868
Distance: 1.95km

Drizzlecombe S. Stone Row

Drizzlecombe S. Stone Row

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59161 66949
HER: MDV14777
Megalithic Portal: 1905
The Stone Rows of GB: Drizzlecombe 1
PMD: Drizzlecombe A Stone Row
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 1 Stone Row
ShortName: SR Drizzle S
Butler map: 49.19.1
DPD page: 40
Notes: Butler Row 1, NMR Row 3, Worth Row A. See notes for Drizzlecombe B (N.W.) row. Lethbridge Row A pp.38-42. Diagram p.38. See also: Sea Views at Drizzlecombe 1
Nearby sites: SX 59161 66949
Distance: 1.88km

Drizzlecombe, South Cist

Drizzlecombe, South Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59033 66725
HER: MDV3340
Megalithic Portal: 16933
PMD: Drizzlecombe SW.
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 22 Cist
ShortName: CT Drizzle 22
Butler map: 49.19.22
DPD page: 41
Grinsell: SHE 34
Barrow Report: 19
Notes: Lethbridge p.38-41, diagram p.38 Cist A(1) Butler Drizzlecombe - Vol. 3. Map 49.19.22 (pp.135-142, general plan of Drizzlecombe complex p.135, diagram p.141 Cist 22).
Nearby sites: SX 59033 66725
Distance: 1.92km

Giant's Basin Cairn

Giant's Basin Cairn

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Drizzlecombe Ceremonial Complex (Photos 1)
OS Map: SX 59202 66945
HER: MDV3372
Megalithic Portal: 538
ShortName: CN GiantsBasin
Butler map: 49.19.5
DPD page: 40
Grinsell: SHE 33
Notes: The Giant's Basin is an impressive but heavily disturbed cairn lying adjacent to the Drizzlecombe Stone Rows. It measures approximately 22 metres in diameter, a maximum of 3 metres high and is partially turf-covered. An approximately 2.5 metre wide reed-covered slight depression around its circumference suggests a silted ditch. Much of the central part of the cairn has been removed to a depth of 1.65m and most of excavated material in the form of fist-sized stones and small boulders has been deposited around the rim of the mound. Lethbridge pp.38-42, diagram p.38.
Nearby sites: SX 59202 66945
Distance: 1.84km

Giants Basin (near) Cist

Giants Basin (near) Cist

OS Map: SX 59181 66953
HER: MDV3373
Megalithic Portal: 18464
PMD: Giants Basin Foot
Alternate name: Drizzlecombe 6 Cist
ShortName: CT GiantsBasin
Butler map: 49.19.6
Grinsell: SHE 33d
Barrow Report: 12
Notes: "The structure comprises a flat slab measuring 1.2m by 0.76m which rests at a slight angle on three upright slabs. These slabs, up to 0.4m high, form a 'z' shape on plan in what appears to be a slight hollow. This feature has been classified by some authorities as a cist although others reject this interpretation for either positional or structural reasons. The historical and archaeological tradition for the existence of a cist here is by no means certain. Known cists in the locality have invariably had their coverstones removed and are open. It is a scheduled ancient monument." The arrangement in the photo could well be natural.
Nearby sites: SX 59181 66953
Distance: 1.87km

Giants Hill E Cist

Giants Hill E Cist

OS Map: SX 59587 66717
HER: MDV70333
Megalithic Portal: 45812
ShortName: CT GiantsHillE
DPD page: 48
Notes: "A little further to the east on giant's hill another cist was photographed in 2004. A large flat stone c0.9m x c0.9m partly covered by vegetation is the capstone of a small square cist c0.56m x 0.56m. One of the side stones is missing. (lethbridge)." Lethbridge p.48 Giant's Hill unscheduled Cist diagram p.47.
Nearby sites: SX 59587 66717
Distance: 1.40km

Giants Hill W Cist

Giants Hill W Cist

OS Map: SX 59444 66753
HER: MDV55396
Megalithic Portal: 45813
PMD: Giants Hill
ShortName: CT GiantsHillW
DPD page: 48
Notes: "The cist is situated at the wsw end of the cairn, is 1.4m by 0.7m by 0.3m deep and is orientated ne-sw". Lethbridge p.48 Giant's Hill scheduled Cist diagram p.47.
Nearby sites: SX 59444 66753
Distance: 1.54km

Great Gnat's Head Cist

Great Gnat's Head Cist

OS Map: SX 61174 68034
HER: MDV5091
Megalithic Portal: 45675
PMD: Great Gnat's Head
Alternate name: Great Gnats Head 1 Cist
ShortName: CT GreatGnats1
Butler map: 50.5.1
DPD page: 42
Grinsell: SHA 1
Barrow Report: 20
Notes: "Cist measures a maximum 1.0m long by 0.70m internally and 0.7m deep. Two side slabs and a fallen end slab are extant. There is no trace of a cover stone.". Lethbridge (near Abbot's Way cist) photo and diagram p.42 Butler Great Gnat's Head 1 - Vol. 3. Map 50.5 (diagram p.155).
Nearby sites: SX 61174 68034
Distance: 1.90km

Great Gnats Head Cairn

Great Gnats Head Cairn

OS Map: SX 61657 67908
HER: MDV13177
Megalithic Portal: 45861
Alternate name: Great Gnats Head Summit 4 Cairn
ShortName: CN GreatGnats4
Butler map: 50.5.4
Grinsell: SHA 2
Notes: "A Bronze Age summit cairn, now badly disturbed by a conical walkers cairn built in the SW quadrant. It measures 8.5m in diameter, the outer slope is 0.3m high and the interior is scooped to a depth of 0.3m -small boulders and upright slabs are visible. The conical cairn is 2.6m in diameter and 1.5m high." Butler Volume 3 Map 50.5.
Nearby sites: SX 61657 67908
Distance: 1.92km

Grim's Grave (S) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Grim's Grave (S) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 61251 66313
HER: MDV5126
Megalithic Portal: 14929
PMD: Langcombe Brook S.
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 4 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT GrimsGraveS
Butler map: 50.3.4
Butler Vol 5: p.160
DPD page: 46
Grinsell: SHA 18
Turner: E8
Barrow Report: 50
Notes: Lethbridge p.46 Langcombe Cist H - diagram p.43. Butler Langcombe Brook 4 (Cairn 4) - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 61251 66313
Distance: 0.41km

Grims Grave Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Grims Grave Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 61245 66422
HER: MDV5083
Megalithic Portal: 14930
PMD: Grim's Grave
ShortName: CT Grims Grave
Butler map: 50.3.3
DPD page: 46
Grinsell: SHA 13
Turner: D20
Barrow Report: 12 20 56
Notes: "A ring cairn set into the slope, c 4.5m in diameter, with a cist at its centre. The cairn consists of a stony, turf-covered mound contained by a ring of upright slabs, most leaning outwards, c 1m in height; the mound rises to c 0.4m at top of cist. The cist, box dimensions c 0.8m x 0.95m internally, is formed from edge-set slabs. One side slab is c 1.7m long, 0.9m wide and 0.2m thick. The monument survives in a very good condition though the cover-stone is missing - this is possibly the slab that now lies on the down-slope side." Lethbridge p.46 Langcombe Cist G (Grim's Grave) - diagram p.43. Butler Vol. 3. Map 50.3 Cairn 3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153, photo pp.94-96).
Nearby sites: SX 61245 66422
Distance: 0.46km

Hentor Cist

Hentor Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59252 65720
HER: MDV55317
Megalithic Portal: 45790
PMD: Hen Tor Warren 1
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.1 Cist
ShortName: CT Hen Tor N 1
Butler map: 49.22.1
DPD page: 51
Notes: Butler Hen Tor 1 (Cairn 1) - Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7). "A low earthen barrow or cairn with cist. The barrow is 4m by 3.5m and 0.6m high. The centrally placed cist is 1.2m by 0.75m. internally and 0.2m deep. Three side stones visible, with the cist aligned north-east/south-west, but no coverstone. The overall condition is fair". Lethbridge p.50-51 Shavercombe Cist F - diagram p.49.
Nearby sites: SX 59252 65720
Distance: 1.68km

Hentor (Shavercombe C) Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Hentor (Shavercombe C) Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59606 65893
HER: MDV3503
Megalithic Portal: 45728
PMD: Hen Tor Warren 6
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.6 Ring Setting Cairn and Cist
ShortName: CT Hen Tor N 6
Butler map: 49.22.6
DPD page: 49
Grinsell: SHA 27
Turner: D14
Barrow Report: 52 56
Notes: "The cairn is 5.2m in diameter and 0.7m high with the remains of a retaining circle. The cist is 1.1m by 0.6m and 0.6m deep with a stone floor; it is aligned north west/south east". Lethbridge p.49 Shavercombe Cist A - diagram 49. Butler Hen Tor 6 (Cairn 6) - Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7).
Nearby sites: SX 59606 65893
Distance: 1.29km

Hentor (Shavercombe) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Hentor (Shavercombe) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59372 65801
HER: MDV3479
Megalithic Portal: 45661
PMD: Hen Tor Warren 2
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.2 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Hen Tor N 2
Butler map: 49.22.2
DPD page: 50
Grinsell: SHA 26
Turner: E48
Barrow Report: 20
Notes: "A cairn with circle and cist. The cairn is 5m in diameter and 0.4m high and contains at least six upright stones forming a circle that surrounds the centrally placed cist. The cist, in fair condition, is aligned north west/south east. A flat stone lying immediately south west of the cist may be the capstone." Lethbridge p.50-51 Shavercombe Cist E - diagram p.49. Shavercombe. Butler Hen Tor Cairn 2 - Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7).
Nearby sites: SX 59372 65801
Distance: 1.54km

Hentor (Shavercombe) Cist

Hentor (Shavercombe) Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59825 65892
HER: MDV3491
Megalithic Portal: 45781
PMD: Shavercombe Brook
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.7 Cist
ShortName: CT Hen Tor N 7
Butler map: 49.22.7
Grinsell: SHA 20
Notes: "The oval cairn is 7.5m by 6.5m and 0.9m high with some kerbing. An amorphous hollow occupies the centre of the mound and a single sidestone of the cist remains in situ". Butler Hen Tor 7 (Cairn 7)- Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7).
Nearby sites: SX 59825 65892
Distance: 1.08km

Hentor A Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59708 65692
HER: MDV3511
Megalithic Portal: 45712
PMD: Hen Tor Warren 5
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.5 Cist
ShortName: CT:Hen Tor N 5
Butler map: 49.22.5
DPD page: 50
Grinsell: SHA 30
Barrow Report: 52
Notes: The author was unable to locate this cist at SX 59708 65692 on 13/08/17. The HER has ngr SX 5971 6570. The site is clearly difficult to find. The area is dense in bracken and according to Lethbridge the cist is very badly damaged. It is unclear how accurate the grid reference is - although it is quite possible that the problem is simply that it is overgrown and difficult to see. A cist consisting of two sidestones, one of which has fallen outwards, and an irregular shaped coverstone. Lethbridge p.50 Shavercombe Cist D - diagram p.49. Butler Hen Tor 5 (Cairn 5) - Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7).
Nearby sites: SX 59708 65692
Distance: 1.25km

Hentor B Cist

Hentor B Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59567 65806
HER: MDV3490
Megalithic Portal: 45727
PMD: Hen Tor Warren 3
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.3 Cist
ShortName: CT Hen Tor N 3
Butler map: 49.22.3
DPD page: 49
Grinsell: SHA 28
Barrow Report: 52
Notes: "The cairn measures 4.7m in diameter and 0.5m high. The cist, aligned north west to south east, measures 0.8m by 0.4m and is 0.3m deep. A probable coverstone 2.0m to the north measures 0.9m by 0.7m". Lethbridge p.49 Shavercombe Cist B - diagram p.49. Butler Hen Tor 3 (Cairn 3) - Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7).
Nearby sites: SX 59567 65806
Distance: 1.35km

Hentor Farm Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Hentor Farm Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59089 65792
HER: MDV12744
Megalithic Portal: 45774
PMD: Hen Tor Meadow
ShortName: CT Hentor Farm
Grinsell: SHA 48
Turner: E45
Notes: "A slight cairn with retaining circle, enclosing a cist aligned SSE-NNW, near the junction of Shavercombe Lake and River Plym." Turner has "central cist". Not listed by Butler (relevant map Vol. 3. Map 49.22).
Nearby sites: SX 59089 65792
Distance: 1.82km

Hentor Warren (Shavercombe) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Hentor Warren (Shavercombe) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Hentor & Shavercombe Brook Cists
OS Map: SX 59632 65777
HER: MDV3492
Megalithic Portal: 45662
PMD: Hen Tor Warren 4
Alternate name: Hen Tor N.4 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Hen Tor N 4
Butler map: 49.22.4
DPD page: 50
Grinsell: SHA 29
Turner: E47
Barrow Report: 12 20
Notes: "On the slope north of Hen Tor at 395.0m OD is the remains of a cairn with a cist. The cairn measures 5.6m in diameter and 0.6m in height with a few stones of a cairn circle 3.2m in diameter remaining on the west side. The cist is 1.2m by 0.4m and 0.5m deep with a coverstone 1.6m by 1.1m at its maximum." Lethbridge p.50 Shavercombe Cist C - diagram p.49. Butler Hen Tor Cairn 4- Vol. 3. Map 49.22 (general plan of Hen Tor with diagram of cists pp.146-7).
Nearby sites: SX 59632 65777
Distance: 1.30km

Langcombe (S) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Langcombe (S) Platform Cairn Circle and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60866 66155
HER: MDV5128
Megalithic Portal: 45729
PMD: Langcombe Brook 6
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 6 Platform Cairn Circle and Cist
ShortName: CT Langcombe 6
Butler map: 50.3.6
DPD page: 47
Grinsell: SHA 19
Turner: E23
Barrow Report: 50 52
Notes: "A cist, lying a little over 590 yds south west of Grim's Grave, within a flat topped cairn. Cist has two sides and the south end stone are in place and the cover stone rests in part over the cist". Lethbridge p.47 Langcombe Cist J - diagram p.43. Butler Langcombe Brook 6 (Cairn 6) - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 60866 66155
Distance: 0.01km

Langcombe Brook 5 Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60878 66421
HER: MDV5129
Megalithic Portal: 45767
PMD: Langcombe Brook 5
ShortName: CT:Langcombe 5
Butler map: 50.3.5
DPD page: 46
Grinsell: SHA 17
Notes: "Two end stones and two side stones are in position but the coverstone is missing. The tops of the stones are at ground level Length of N side stone 1.4m, S side stone 1m, W end stone 0.6m, and E end stone 0.5m. Present depth of cist is 0.3m." Lethbridge p.46 Langcombe Cist I - diagram p.43. Butler Langcombe Brook 5 (Cairn 5) - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 60878 66421
Distance: 0.26km

Langcombe Brook 7 Cist

Langcombe Brook 7 Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60380 66921
HER: MDV5134
Megalithic Portal: 45765
PMD: Langcombe Brook 7
ShortName: CT Langcombe 7
Butler map: 50.3.7
DPD page: 47
Grinsell: SHA 16
Notes: "Two end stones and the western side stone are in an upright position while the eastern side stone leans inwards. Length of northern end stone 0.7m, southern end stone 0.7m, eastern side stone 1.2m and western side stone 1m. Present depth of cist 0.3m. There is a cover stone measuring 1.6m by 1m which rests on the eastern side stone and which partly covers the northern corner of the cist". Lethbridge p.47 Langcombe Cist K - diagram p.43 Butler Langcombe Brook 7 (Cairn 7) - Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153).
Nearby sites: SX 60380 66921
Distance: 0.91km

Plym Steps Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Plym Steps Ring Setting Cairn and Cist

Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks: Dartmoor Site: Guide to the Langcombe Brook & Deadman's Bottom Cists
OS Map: SX 60427 67110
HER: MDV5133
Megalithic Portal: 45659
PMD: Langcombe Brook 8
Alternate name: Langcombe Brook 8 Ring Setting Cairn and Cist
ShortName: CT Plym Steps
Butler map: 50.3.8
DPD page: 44
Grinsell: SHA 4
Turner: D22
Barrow Report: 19
Notes: Central cist. Butler Langcombe Brook 8 (Cairn 8)- Vol. 3. Map 50.3 (pp.148-54 general plan of Langcombe Brook cairns p.151, diagram of Langcombe cists p.153). Lethbridge p.44 Langcombe Cist B - diagram p.43
Nearby sites: SX 60427 67110
Distance: 1.05km

Shavercombe Enclosed Settlement

OS Map: SX 59366 66297
HER: MDV3344
Megalithic Portal: 45576
ShortName: ES:Shavercombe
Notes: "Shavercombe pound is not circular. There is no hut circle within the pound. It is one of two main enclosures in a scheduled area which also includes three isolated hut circles. The fence or wall consisted of granite with large stones in the bottom courses. There are many long stones like broad gateposts laid lengthwise along both faces of the wall and filled between in the centre with small stones. The upper part was probably similarly faced with smaller blocks."
Nearby sites: SX 59366 66297
Distance: 1.51km

Page last updated 18/02/24