Photo: Hurston Ridge Stone Row
The table below lists the 90 stone rows included in the Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks database. For convenience of comparison with Worth's list of rows [Worth pp.202-47] the table is ordered by the "Worth" number as later extended in Emmett's paper on stone rows. It should be noted that 5 of Worth's rows are either doubtful or are no longer in existence and for this reason are not included. The numbers after 71 are arbitrary.
Click on the table headers to get listings ordered by # (Worth Number), Site Name, Short Name, OS number, DPD (Discover Prehistoric Dartmoor) page number or SRGB link. Clicking on the site name will open a site page with a large photo where one is available. Clicking on OS links will list nearby sites and clicking on the NMR, HER, Megalithic Portal number will open the relevant record in a new window. The last link is to coverage in the Stone Rows (of GB) website.
The SRGB includes some additional rows assigned with Worth number 91-99. These are more dubious and/or fragmentary examples and were added to the database in June 2017 so listings match those on the Stone Rows of Great Britain (SRGB) webiste.
For a more detailed discussion and a listing including photos and notes see the main page on stone rows.
Page last updated 30/06/17